Surface cladding and surface unfolding
This video is first tutorial in preparing materials for fabrication of simple surface using triangle panels. first you learn how to use PARA to panelize a surface with a triangle panel and then you will find out how to transfer each individual panel from the current location to ground plane and sort them in order to create planar faces. the result can be exported to CAD software to use for laser cutting for example.
is there a way to assign a number to each vertex?
to recompose the all thing would be difficult otherwise
Yes, You can label each face using label utility
Thank you for your reply,
I’m trying to learn this fantastic plug-in but I have problems with tutorials.
The simplest ones are on the old website but they refer to an older version of PARA
so functions are different.
Maybe I’m missing something but I’m wondering if there is a way to understand the basic concepts
and what controllers do with simple examples.
Would be really nice to have this learning path from simpler things to the more complicated otherwise
I feel I don’t know what I’m doing even if it’s fantastic:)
Thank you!
take a look at OTA+ tutorials