Creating 2d/3d convex hull from given set of points in 3DS MAX You can download Paraflows here : Paraflow1 Paraflow2
Calculate total floor area of a tower
In this video you learn how to calculate the total floor area of a given mass.
Editing texts via Para 3d
This video shows the use of Text controller to change the text inside the 3ds MAX text objects. notice that option cannot be animated.
Parametric surface unfolding,Ready for laser cutting!
In first part penalization and decomposing a surface while all elements remains responsive.Panels which are on XY plane are created from the same original object.Position of control points are actually result of the same transformation derive from the surface with respect to local coordinate system of the objects laying on the surface. In part two […]
Introducing Parametric Mesh node
Para 3d v3.0 offers new function which allow users to create parametric meshes by giving a set of vertices. In the beginning of the video I managed to create a SIN curve using math controller and in the second part a parametric mesh creates an envelope connecting the frames.
Parametric trusses using pattern controller
Pattern controller in Para 3d v3.0 allows users to interweave result of other controllers by user defined pattern, in this video you see how to use the pattern controller to switch between two splines of a curve. The curves themselves belong to another array and a parametric array link controller is extracting them from the […]

Array on curves inside another array
In this video I’m creating a curve network. A curve network consist of a series of curves which has been assigned to curves from another array. Also you learn how to use Xform modifier to transform selected vertices of a shape object. PART I PART II
Animated DNA using PARA link
Complex result can be achieved by linking two or more parametric array together. In this video we use PARA link controller to connect two independent array with a line segment. This can also be used in animation.
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