In this video I have tried to explain usage of spacing options in surface controller Para 2.8. these options allow user to clad a surface with respect to the panel size or number of divisions.

PARA 3d Two Surface Array
This tutorial shows how to array an object between two surfaces using the Surface Controller in Para 3d. Tutorial by Kory Bieg, OTA+
Surface and Magnet Controller
This tutorial covers the Surface and Magnet Controller in Para 3d 2.8, a plug-in for 3ds Max. Tutorial by Kory Bieg, OTA+

Use vertex color as input to Bitmap controller
In this tutorial I used a “Vertex Paint” modifier to paint on the surface and using the colors of the surface in a bitmap controller I modified a parameter of parametric array. This approach works on 1D array while for 2D array you need to do some extra works to achieve the same effect.
Surface optimization (Face orientation)
In this tutorial you find out how to re-structure a polygon to clad the surface with co-directional panels while working with 1D domain in surface controller. Also you learn how to rotate control points/vertices of panel objects by adding a custom parameter and using transform controller on sub-object controller.

Normal vector options in 1D surface controller
Learn where to use Face normal/Vertex normal/Edge normal in surface cladding.
Surface Domain in Surface controller
This video explains the new Surface Domain option in surface controller.In 1D domain you can distribute array items according to the edit poly elements (face/edges/vertex) While in 2D domain the input surface is being subdivided according to the number of items in your array.

Custom pattern tool in SubObject controller
Learn how to use Sub object controller in surface controller in order to create custom patterns.

Randomizing thickness in surface paneling
In this video you learn how to use random controller within surface controller to change the thickness of panels. Also you learn how to control the random values while using random controller on multiple properties/controllers. For more information on random controller see also : Random pattern and noise effect in animation

Using Sub_object controller (Advanced Surface paneling)
This is an advance tutorial in surface paneling using surface controller and sub-object controller. In this video you learn how to use Sub-Object controller inside surface controllers to modify the panel size and shape. Also you find pattern option to create honeycomb pattern with a single hexagon shape.
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