How to install Para 3d ?
learn how to install Para 3d on 3ds MAX and how to setup its user interface .
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learn how to install Para 3d on 3ds MAX and how to setup its user interface .
Vector controller performs vector operations on one or between two or three input vectors. Vector Controller Vector-Controller.pdf 710.0 KiB 514 Downloads Details Vector controller documentation Author:Para Platforms:Windows 8 Category:Help Date:April 11, 2020
Blend controller takes two input and mix them using the third input (Blend amount). Below is the formula used in blend controller: Blendcontroller Blendcontroller_2.pdf 920.4 KiB 1241 Downloads Details Category:Help Date:July 2, 2017
This controller extract the RGB , HSV and Alpha values from a given bitmap (image) or procedural map or the vertex color channel of the mesh geometries Bitmapcontroller Bitmapcontroller.pdf 844.5 KiB 1283 Downloads Details Category:Help Date:June 11, 2017
Array Variable Controller This controller returns some basic information about the array members and current scene states. Note that controller retrieve the information from the members of the first parent (container) node in a Paraflow.Also if the controller is used under Array Variable Override controller then the new values that are overwritten by the AVO […]
Mesh Controller This controller extract information about Faces,Edges and Vertices of an Editable Mesh or Editable Poly object. Meshcontroller Meshcontroller.pdf 2.0 MiB 1473 Downloads Details Category:Help Date:June 10, 2017
In this article I’m trying to address a question by Ben Rabinson posted on Para 3d forum. For more information about the original post please see this link. How does a Bitmap Controller work? Before we start , let me explain how Bitmap controller works. A Bitmap controller extract information from bitmaps and procedural maps. […]
This tutorial is trying to answer a question that was posted originally by Tom on the forum. So, I suggest you to read the original post here. Our problem is to populate a given structure on the surfaces of spline base cage. The first answer comes in mind is to use Para 3d surface controller, […]
learn how to use Para3d edit-poly container. Part 1 Part 2
In this video you learn how to setup a triangulation with given triangle size on the faces of the Edit-poly object. you can also control the rotation and alignment of the gird in respect to the edge of polygon face.
Use Para 3d Mesh-controller and FFD modifier to populate any object on any polygon with quad faces.
Hi, I have installed today Demo version 4.3. When I want to ‘Create Parameter…’ appears the next message:
,,Para 3d tiral has expired.
Please uninstall Para and obtain a license.
To botain a license please visit this link.”
I don’t understand what is the problem. Please help me!
Hi, I have installed Demo version 4.3. All things were fine before I pushed the button ‘Create Parameter…’. After I pushed it, the message appeared
Para 3d tiral has expired.
Please uninstall Para and obtain a license.
To botain a license please visit this link.
The link didn’t work, and I installed the demo you’ve sent to me, today!!!
I’m not sure what the problem is, but looking back, strange things were that there was nothing I can see when I selected ‘Agreement’ on the page of license.
And one more thing that I can guess is that I installed ‘Parametric Array’ which is old version. But I removed all files according to the instruction named ‘Demo Installation’.
Please help me.
Hi there, have u solved ur problem of installation? Im having same problem as u, hope can get help from u ~ Thanks ya
how i can get this plugin freee!??????????
Hi, I installed the program and can access the Para 3d Setting dialogue box no problem – but when I do, and create parametric array, the small pop-up box is greyed out and does nothing. Any help is much appreciated 🙂
do you receive ay error message in MAX script listener ? Also it would help to understand your problem if you post your question on Para forum with some screen shots.
you can download the demo version.
Hi, I am trying to install para 3.3 into max 2014. I am having the same problems as the people above. I have followed all the instructions that can be found here but still have no para icons in the max program. I have copied the icons into the files as instructed. I am running windows 7 64 bit. Can you help please….thankyou
can you please post a screen shot of script/start up folder
Thanks for the reply. I hope these two screen shots will resolve the issue.
Hi, I have problem with creating parametric array from box. Its not working, it says me “– No “”+”” function for undefined.” Could you help me please?
Thank you
got it . no worries. But i couldnt download license thou i copied and pasted request code.
hi, jus instaled para 3.3 in max2013. i couldnt find para toolbar.
no torabi tools in helpers.
para loading dialogue popd up while start up but no tools inside max. plz help.
I am licensed user.
donde lo puedo descragar para version 3d max
Why is there no icons on the tool bar. followed all the steps in the video.. and same as the person above.. there is no Create>Helpers>Torabi tools option. Running version 3.0 on Max 2012 Design Windows 7. Please help Need this plug in ASAP
check the MAX icons folder and see if the files para3d_16i.bmp and para3d_24i.bmp are located in there, max icons folder is usually under \ui folder. UI folder also differs from language to language , make sure you install the English version of 3ds max.
Hi, i have installed 3dmax 2013 using windows on my mac, i have fallowed your instructions, but the para icons does not appear when i open 3dmax, even tho it installs para when i start 3dmax. Could you please help me ? Thnx.
Do you see the Parray command under Create>Helpers>Torabi tools ? and does it work when you create array from create tab?
if the Para loading dialog pops up at start up then you should find the icons in CUI just like what is being demonstrated in the video.
No their isn´t any parray command in create-helpers. Its very strange i tried with both 2013 max and 2011, and the command did not appear.
I figured it out. Thnx for your response 🙂
Hi there, I have the same problem with no icons showing up.. how did you fix it?