Mathsurf Version 3.0

Mathsurf (v3.0)
Mathsurf v3.0 is a library that includes more than 120 Paraflows (.para files) which enables Para 3d users to explore mathematical geometries in 3DS MAX. This package includes all functions of Mathsurf 2.0 except MATHDeform modifier. It also benefits of Para 3d node based interface and allows users to interact with all parameters and components of the procedural geometry. Once user load the Paraflow (.para file) from library, Para 3d generates the geometry as well as rules and logics behind it. Para 3d allows user to manipulate different components of the generative model and alter its parameters.
This version of Mathsurf is compatible with Para 3d 4.63 and higher and 3DS MAX 2012 and higher. You must run the installer and choose 3DS MAX folder.If you have multiple 3DS MAX installed please make sure you pick the one which has Para 3d.
The package is free, however, user must have commercial version of Para 3d in order to load Paraflows.
How to use
Please see following videos to find out how to use this package.
Create a parametric surface
Animate a parametric surface
Create a parametric shape
Animate a parametric shape