Release 4.8

Para 3d Version 4.8 release date: 6/10/2016
You must uninstall older version of Para3d before installing this package.

New features

  • Parametric Edit Poly . A new container node that enables editable poly operations on polygon objects.
  • Surface triangulation (Delaunay triangulation) has been added in Parametric Mesh.Paint
  • Paint add-on can paint objects using true and false values
  • An option has been added in Paint add-on to automatically calculate the min and max value of input.
  • Vector controller returns Boolean values checking if the input vectors are parallel or perpendicular or in the same plane.
  • Intersection controller returns the list of faces (face index) where a line interest with a geometry(mesh)


  • A better graphical representation for “Groups” .
  • Labels can be added in groups.
  • Bug fixed in explode shapes to splines.
  • Bug fixed in changing the number of operands in pattern-controller .
  • Bug fixed in Parametric Array link controller . Enables to link to X,Y/Z position and rotation

See previous changes in Para 3d 4.75