Use Para 3d Mesh-controller and FFD modifier to populate any object on any polygon with quad faces.
Diagonal surface subdivision
image: CVDB Arquitectos’ Ljubljana National Library In this video you will find out how to use simple spline shape to create surface subdivisions in diagonal direction. Also you learn how to use “delete mesh ” modifier to create a random subdivision effect.

Modeling Pencil Office
In this tutorial we’ll show you how to adjust the spacing of a Linear controller by overriding the index value within the array using a Graph controller; we do this to generate the horizontal bars within the facade. In part II of this video series we discuss about how to distribute the members of a two […]
Parametric Wall
In this video tutorial you learn how to place objects on a surface with consistent gap between them.Also how to align them to the direction of the surface. Surface controller can optimize the input surface in such a way that you create uniform divisions along the surface to achieve the consistent gap.
Enabling and disabling MAX modifiers via Para
In Para 3d 3.2 and higher , modifiers states can be set via Para 3d. Para controllers which can provide Boolean Type of values can be used to enable /disable the modifiers. Example below is showing how to use this function to delete objects from array dynamically by changing the DeleteMesh modifier state from Off […]
triangulate surface in 2D domain
In this short video you will find out how to create triangular pattern on a surface with 2d domain. ParaMesh provides different options on mesh structure and with minor adjustments and UV offsets you can achieve your desired pattern.
Select random value from a given list
Random controller generates random values in range of [min,max]. for example in range of 1 to 20 you can expect numbers line 2.45123 and 10. Now what if you want to pick a value which you defined previously in a random manner. let’s say you have a list of scalar values like {2,5,10,20} and only […]
Parametric trusses using pattern controller
Pattern controller in Para 3d v3.0 allows users to interweave result of other controllers by user defined pattern, in this video you see how to use the pattern controller to switch between two splines of a curve. The curves themselves belong to another array and a parametric array link controller is extracting them from the […]

Array on curves inside another array
In this video I’m creating a curve network. A curve network consist of a series of curves which has been assigned to curves from another array. Also you learn how to use Xform modifier to transform selected vertices of a shape object. PART I PART II

Using Sliders as external links
This video shows how to use slider objects as input value in PARA 3d. You also learn the difference of internal links and external links. we also use Math controller with pattern controller to alter the output of link controller in every other object.
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