In this video I collect a list of positions from an array of points using the collection controller. Then I passed this list to a magnet controller. Magnet controller generates output for each point in collection and return a list of scalar values.Then using a List controller I managed to find the biggest magnet value […]
Parametric surface unfolding,Ready for laser cutting!
In first part penalization and decomposing a surface while all elements remains responsive.Panels which are on XY plane are created from the same original object.Position of control points are actually result of the same transformation derive from the surface with respect to local coordinate system of the objects laying on the surface. In part two […]
Following two attractors
In this video I introduced a new controller in Para 3d V3.0 . Blend controller works just like blend map in 3ds MAX. you provide two different controllers (A and B) and s third controller which controls the blend amount. As blend amount increases from 0 to 1 the result of blend controllers moves from […]
Rotate objects toward magnet point
In this video I have tried to show how you can use Para to manage a bit complex max-script code which can keep the objects pointing toward a point inside the scene. Although for MAX users this is quite easy with “Look At” controller which does the same job. But here I’m trying to come […]
Randomizing Surface division in Para 3d 3.0
See Para 3d in Action! Again randomizing surface division and use of mix controller to implement two magnets. this time with para 3d V 3.0
Surface and Magnet Controller
This tutorial covers the Surface and Magnet Controller in Para 3d 2.8, a plug-in for 3ds Max. Tutorial by Kory Bieg, OTA+

Using Sub_object controller (Advanced Surface paneling)
This is an advance tutorial in surface paneling using surface controller and sub-object controller. In this video you learn how to use Sub-Object controller inside surface controllers to modify the panel size and shape. Also you find pattern option to create honeycomb pattern with a single hexagon shape.
Creating noise effect in magnetic field.
By adding random controller in offset channel of the Magnet controller you can create noise effect in magnetic field.
Magnet controller Position/Orientation
This video explains the Magnet controller Position/Orientation features in detail.
Altering the object material in PARA
How to change the material of the objects in the array?
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