In this video you learn how to calculate the total floor area of a given mass.
Multiple magnet animation
In this video I collect a list of positions from an array of points using the collection controller. Then I passed this list to a magnet controller. Magnet controller generates output for each point in collection and return a list of scalar values.Then using a List controller I managed to find the biggest magnet value […]
Select random value from a given list
Random controller generates random values in range of [min,max]. for example in range of 1 to 20 you can expect numbers line 2.45123 and 10. Now what if you want to pick a value which you defined previously in a random manner. let’s say you have a list of scalar values like {2,5,10,20} and only […]
Finding closest object in array to a given point.
To find the closest item of an array to the given point P, we should sort the list of points based on the distance from -P-. in this sorted list the first item is always closest point. see the video to find out how to setup controller in 3ds MAX to do so.

Collection and List controller
Collecting items from another array in a list based on the value of a bitmap controller.
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