Torabi Architect.
Mathcurve Documents Apr 2009
arrowFormula Definition Rollout.


arrowX(u,v) & Y(u,v) & Z(u,v)

The coordinates of a point p of a parametric curve c are expressed as a functions of the variable u. this means that a spatial curve c can be represented by c(u) = (x(u),y(u),z(u)), where u is some parameter assuming all values in an interval [uMin,uMax]

ParabolaParabola setting

For example a Parabola can be representing by the function:

c(u) = (u,u^2,0)

Note 1: editing the formula has no effect until you click the evaluate button.


arrowexplicit presentation:
Shows the explicit presentation dialog box. Explicit Dialog

This dialog box lets you to create or modify the parameters or customize the functions. Mathsurf provides you an easy way to modify the codes. Any time you make an instance of Mathsurf or reset a parameter program will execute the definitions and commands in order of they located in dialog from up to down.

New: You can save the explicit presentation into a text file and load it into another object using load option available in this dialog.


arrowFunction definitions
arrowAnimation parameters
arrowConstant parameters
arrowBasic formula
arrowPost processes
arrowPlug-in features.
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