Ali Torabi

Digital Architecture & Technology

Parametric array 2.1 has been released. »« Curve controller and local offset

Introducing Magnet Controller

Do you remember this tutorial?

One thing you may didn’t like about my Parametric Array was the SCRIPT controller. I know how it feels when you have to write some meaningless text to get something works and suddenly you face errors after errors! It happens to me many times when I was in beginning of my journey to become a programmer!
Ok, good news is you don’t have to do scripting anymore. PARA II offers zero-code environment to setups your logics and performs multiple tasks using objects (so called Controllers). Bad news is it’s too easy! So anyone else can do it!
Check out this video and see what you can do with Magnet Controller, don’t forget that you can use this controller inside other controllers and try out your own magnetic stuffs!

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June 30, 2011 at 2:11 pm
  • August 13, 2011 at 12:33 amali

    Thanks for your comment,good suggestion
    it’s now part of curve controller in version 2.1
    looking for more comments 😉

  • July 6, 2011 at 11:35 amjonahhawk

    Any chance you will include a “Closest point on curve” controller?

    I’m sure you have it figured out. But here is my method in a scripted controller for Radius2
    RING = Ring object
    CURVE = splineShape in Scene
    RANGE = Cust Atrib on the curve object but could be any value of course.

    rad2 = 0.0
    param = nearestPathParam CURVE 1 RING.pos
    paramPos = pathInterp CURVE 1 param
    dist = distance RING.pos paramPos
    maxVal = 1.0
    rad2 = if dist <= RANGE then dist/RANGE else maxVal
    return rad2

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