Ali Torabi

Digital Architecture & Technology

Upgrade to Parametric Array II »« Voronoi Tessellation

Growth Pattern , An approach to architecture.

studying the facts that can alter the growth pattern of Organisms is very interesting topic in biology and ecology. It also became a major field of research for architects in early design stages.
Three years ago, I made an interactive flash application (Action script) that simulate the fungi growth pattern.
It was a simple study on an organic form generating system. Now I like to post it here again and ask you to interact with it .

In this study we consider the cell as straight line that can generate up to four child (branch). we setup a series of rules for this artificial organism as well as the environment that it’s going to grow in. These rules will define the criteria that controls the cell division and it will determine how a cell can generate new generations.

  • Embedded rules (Genetic) :
    • Rule I: Each cell has two heads that can hunt prey. If one head got some food then the cell will generate new branches at that point.
    • Rule II: The angle between the new branches is being controlled by a Gene. This value can be determined before the growth process begins.
    • Rule III: Cells die if they don’t catch the food within a certain time period. This period which we call it “LIFE TIME” is also being controlled by another Gene and can be determine before the growth process begins. The cell after this period will be considered as a ” DEAD” and it can no longer generate new cells.
  • External rules (Environment ):
    • In our assumptive ecosystem we have considered a source of food that can produce a certain number of baits . The amount of food will affect the way that the fungus is growing up. Furthermore the location of food source is critical since the new branches grows in a direction that they can capture more food.

Press the “Generate” button to start.

Notice: The result of this demonstration can be affected by your computer performance!
Please let me have some screenshots of your fungus!

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July 2, 2010 at 5:08 pm
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