Torabi Architect.
News Jun 2011
PARAMERIC ARRAY v2.0 for 3ds Max

Ali Torabi (Torabi Architect) is proud to present his newest and most all-round plug-in for 3DS MAX. First of all we would like to thank and give our appreciation to the long list of individuals who helped with their invaluable feedback on the original Parametric Array 1. The feedback received has been duly incorporated into this newer version. We must stress that this is not an upgrade, but a brand new and much more advanced tool for parametric design. We are proud to present:
Parametric Array II (PARA II)

Parametric Array II

Ease of Use!

PARA II is designed to be as easy and user friendly as possible, and therefore early on it was decided to keep the layout and system similar to Material Editor in 3DMax, so as to cut out any learning/training period once beginning to use this new software (which is the norm in all similar software). Everything can be done by simply dragging and dropping the chosen tool(s) and manipulating the values to whichever degree is required. There is an almost unlimited combination of tools that can be merged, and most important of all, the user cannot enter incorrect valuables that result in error values; as all possible error values have been accounted for!

PARAII new interface
Drag and drop interface
Parametric Array controllers

Complex yet Light!

PARA II has been designed to be as efficient as possible, having as little memory usage as possible. We have managed to make it much liter than Parametric Array 1, even though we now have 23 controllers as opposed to only 5 in the original! Furthermore, with the need to be more user friendly, PARA II no longer requires the user to have any programming background. PARA II is a 0-code-program!

Is PARA II for me?

PARA II is the antithesis to the traditional approach of Architects borrowing software from Animators. Instead it is designed primarily for Architects and Designers. This is shown by the fact that no programming background is required whatsoever, and anyone should be able to use it; as a result of its ease of use. PARA II is very useful for various other disciplines including motion graphics and visualization. However, due to the power hungry and speed conscious applications that Animators invariably require, a quicker version of PARA II is currently under development. More updates to follow soon.

23 controllers in PARAII
As part of our efforts to support our loyal clients who purchased the original licensed; 'Parametric Array 1', we are offering Parametric Array II (PARA II) FREE of charge! For all new clients, we currently have a limited introductory offer of 40 US$ per license. We also offer discounted offers on purchases of 3 or more licenses. Promotion
Parametric Array 2 sun reacting panels
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