Mesh had being generated several times when you choose a surface type from drop down menu or after apply new setting. This fact delays the process and force user to wait until viewport redraws. In new version this bug has been fixed and the script runs the process only once.
Mathsurf 2.0 makes permanent objects. You can save and load scenes include mathsuf objects and program will generate objects automatically after a mathsurf object has been detected.
Mathsurf 2.0 gives you opportunity to save explicit presentation in text format as an external file. This file could be loaded in different objects.
Algorithm has been improved to run faster. Some of the max operations will stop during the mathsurf mesh progress.
In Mathsurf 2.0 data structure has been changed to conserve the memory and speed up the progress.
Mathsurf 2.0 increases the memory using by maxscript to avoid halting program. |