Torabi Architect.
Implicit Surface Documents Apr 2009
arrowFormula Definition Rollout .


In this section you create your own equation. Basically the equation should be in format of f(x,y,z)=0. All you need to do is placing the left side of the equation in the text box.

Automatic Update:

When checked any changes in setting will generate the new mesh in the scene automatically.

You need to uncheck this option while you are dealing with many parameters that don’t want to apply immediately on the object. In this case you can use evaluate button when you have done your new setting.

Explicit Presentation:
Calls the Explicit presentation dialog.



  Formula Rollout & parameters

YouThis equation makes a sphere with radius 2 :


can use the animated parameters or constant parameter inside your formula. For instance the sphere above could be parametric sphere with radius r. first create an animation parameter called R then replace 4 with (R^2). This is the global equation for any sphere with radius of R.


Now you can animate the sphere by modifying the radius parameter.

  Using Parameters in Implicit objects



Constant parameters are useful when you want convert units.





You also can use the functions from Function Definition in basic formula.

  Function definition

Using predefined functions can simplify the complex and long expressions.

Explicit Presentation



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