Use curve controller to change U & V offsets of a surface controller.
Using preview mode to handle large number of items in the array.
surfaceController takes following arguments: surface:surface name –Name of object in 3ds Max feedback:transform/position/rotation –function returns transform matrix, position in point3 value and rotation in EulerAngles value uOffset:offset value –Increase or decrease offset in U direction vOffset:offset value–Increase or decrease offset in V direction normalOffset:offset value –increase or decrease the normal offset mode:1 or 2 — set the controller in relative mode (2) or absolute mode (1) order:1 to 9— choose the order of rotation (items in drop down menu) works only when feedback is set to rotation data:1 or 2 — use uv-mapping information (2) or NURBS evaluation functions (1) uv:1 or 2— choose the uv direction. surfaceID:index number— identify the surface index when works with nurbs object or choose the UV mapping channel when working with mapping information