In this video I’m creating a curve network. A curve network consist of a series of curves which has been assigned to curves from another array.
Also you learn how to use Xform modifier to transform selected vertices of a shape object.
This video explains use of PARA 3d to create a fully parametric concept model of bird’s nest stadium. You can control all aspects of geometry and create multiple variations in less than one second!
Complex result can be achieved by linking two or more parametric array together. In this video we use PARA link controller to connect two independent array with a line segment. This can also be used in animation.
This video shows the potential of using Loft object in Parametric array.
If you array a loft object PARA cannot find the information about the PATH object (base line) To get access to the vertices of the path object or deformation properties you need to animate the object before you use it.
This video demonstrates use of MIX Controller in order to mix the effect of two independent curve controllers. Each of curve controllers is set to control the position of the box along a unique shape in two different dimensions. Incorporating both in one Mix controller approximate a surface which is result of translating one of the curves along the other one.
Use conditional statements to change the index value.
Reference: curve controller function takes the following arguments: curve:object name–The name of object in 3ds Max dim:1,2 or 3— set the controller on specific dimension. feedback:transform/position/rotation –function returns transform matrix, position in point3 value and rotation in EulerAngles value localOffset:offset value— offset the index value and shifts item along the path. endOffset:offset value— move all items away from the last point of the path. startOffset:offset value— move all items away from the first point of the path mode :1 or 2— set the controller in absolute mode (1) or relative (2) order:1 to 9— choose the order of rotation (items in drop down menu) works only when feedback is set to rotation