In this video I tried to explain how to use the pattern controller to make a wall with staggered tiles. This is a response to a user’s question and here is the comment which was posted by V.T. :
Hi, I’d like to know if there’s a way to create an array with staggered row (like a ordinary brick wall). Thanks.
This video demonstrates use of MIX Controller in order to mix the effect of two independent curve controllers. Each of curve controllers is set to control the position of the box along a unique shape in two different dimensions. Incorporating both in one Mix controller approximate a surface which is result of translating one of the curves along the other one.
Automatic garbage collection improved. This version is more stable on all versions of 3DS MAX
Nurbs selection in Surface controller.
Surface controller now return Utangent and Vtangent value of editable polys
Error in displaying Transform controller settings is fixed.
License control system improved.
Replacing the array members with a new object is possible via PICK OBJECT button from modify panel. PARA will search for possible transformation to apply on new object.
Multiple Variable Override controllers can be used inside one controller.
Magnet controller allows use of vector controller instead of magnet object.
Convert controller error fixed.
New items:
New Deform controller has been added to library.
Custom pattern tool has been added to SubObject controller.
Curve controller can now return the closest point of array to the curve
Property search box is added to the main interface.
Deselect button is added to the main interface.
A parametric array Layer is automatically being created to hold all the array nodes.
Random controller is now available for being used inside a condition controller. This controller can generate Boolean values randomly based on a percentage (chance value).
Do you remember this tutorial?
One thing you may didn’t like about my Parametric Array was the SCRIPT controller. I know how it feels when you have to write some meaningless text to get something works and suddenly you face errors after errors! It happens to me many times when I was in beginning of my journey to become a programmer!
Ok, good news is you don’t have to do scripting anymore. PARA II offers zero-code environment to setups your logics and performs multiple tasks using objects (so called Controllers). Bad news is it’s too easy! So anyone else can do it!
Check out this video and see what you can do with Magnet Controller, don’t forget that you can use this controller inside other controllers and try out your own magnetic stuffs!
parametric array II BETA is ready for download. As I’m still developing this tool it may have some problem and cause some errors. Kindly share your experience with new version either in Facebook or Weblog to improve the debagging process. In order to upgrade you need to login to license manager from the link below. Please notice you may need to reactivate your license during upgrade. The upgrade is free of charge but it isn’t reversible. Please make sure that you have backed up the Parametric Array 1.0 license file ( paramarray_lic.dat ) before installing the PARAII. Thank you for your support and participation!
You may think that I have used some special program or script. But this is simply result of combining a few modifiers on top of a NURBS geometry in 3ds MAX.
Here is the Voronoi tessellation diagram using 3ds max modifiers. this approach is fully parametric and you can control the final result in any aspect. Just go through the stack and make your setting.
Note: To keep the interactivity with geometry you need to use EditPoly modifier in animate mode!
Did you know that you can produce L-systems with parametric array!
Here is some experience with parametric array of a single line. I have used getItem function to access the parent node using the method below.
getItem index:[1+int((index1-2)/4),1,1]
Denominator (4) defines the number of branches per node. the script above returns the parent of the current object in L-system. Using this trick, you can adjust the start point of the line according to the end point of its parent. Of course the end point is just a transformation of the start point which defines the production rule of L-System. In new version of parametric array this will come as new controller and much more easy to implement on any type of object.
Positioning items based on other items location and dimensions.
Randomize function inside the script controller.
How to use getItem function to address a specific property of an item inside the array.
Note: the getItem function returns the value of specific property of the specific object inside the array. getItem index:[index1,index2,index3]prop:property