Ali Torabi

Digital Architecture & Technology

Random values in parametric array

Level: Beginner
In This Video:

  • Introducing random controller.
  • Randomize button & Min Max values.
  • Use random controller to generate accidental scalar values.
  • , , , , ,
    April 17, 2010 at 5:19 pm Comments (0)

    Why preview!?

    Array on UV mapping

    Level: Intermediate
    In This Video:

  • Using preview option in complex and large arrays.
  • How to update array counts while using preview mode.
  • Array on mesh object using UV mapping data.
  • , , , , , ,
    April 17, 2010 at 5:16 pm Comments (2)

    Multiple map channel choice in surface controller

    Level: Advanced
    In This Video:

  • Use map index number to choose mapping information of a particular map channel.
  • Use relative mode to detach the panels from the controller surface.
  • , , , , , ,
    April 17, 2010 at 5:12 pm Comments (0)

    Array on multiple surfaces of one NURBS geometry

    Array between two surface

    Level: Advanced
    In This Video:

  • Making a series of parametric trusses using NURBS surfaces and 2D shapes .
  • Getting access to all surfaces inside a NURBS geometry by using surface index number.
  • How to fix local offsets in surface controller.
  • Use set property spinner to change the selected properties.
  • , , , , ,
    April 17, 2010 at 5:07 pm Comments (6)

    NURBS functions or UV Mapping ?

    Level: Advanced
    In This Video:

  • See the advantage of using NURBS evaluation functions and UV mapping information in surface controller.
  • Uniform surface panelling using UV mapping data of a NURBS geometry.
  • , , , , , ,
    April 17, 2010 at 12:49 pm Comments (0)

    Surface cladding part 2

    surface cladding using FFD modifier

    Level: Advanced
    In This Video:

  • Use surface controller and FFD modifier to map a 3d object on a surface.
  • How to create a hexagon pattern.
  • Controlling the thickness of panels using Normal offset parameter.
  • , , , , , , ,
    April 17, 2010 at 12:44 pm Comment (1)

    Surface cladding part 1

     surface cladding using 2D shape based objects

    Level: Advanced
    In This Video:

  • Use surface controller to map a 2d shape on a surface.
  • How surface controller sets the U and V offsets for each individual vertex in s-pline shape.
  • use surface modifier to generate patch based on a losed shape.
  • , , , , , , , ,
    April 17, 2010 at 12:42 pm Comments (3)

    Controlling scalar properties in two dimensional array by a surface


    Level: intermediate
    In This Video:

  • How to use surfae controller to derive the scalar values from a surface position.
  • , , , , , ,
    April 17, 2010 at 12:39 pm Comments (0)

    Introducing surface controller of parametric array

    Level: Beginner
    In This Video:

  • How to use surface controller.
  • Normal offset, Local Offset.
  • What kind of surfaces you can choose.
  • , , , , ,
    April 17, 2010 at 12:36 pm Comments (5)

    2D Array along two paths

    Double curve

    Level: Intermediate
    In This Video:

  • Use curve controller in two dimensional array.
  • Combining curve controller & linear controller (Extrusion).
  • Combining two different curve controller (Ruled surface).
  • , , , , ,
    April 17, 2010 at 12:34 pm Comments (0)

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